a human adventure
Ateliers 2/3/4/:
Laure Mériaud
Yves de Pommereau
Arnaud Tallon
Clément Arnaud
Xavier Constant
Anne-Laure Grandsir
Marion Thibault
Margot Lamazou
Victor Toulemonde
Malo Mahuzier
Grégoire Worms
Frédéric El Bekkay
Charlotte Gambotti
Cécilia Gross
Ton Venhoeven
Julie Fuchs
Arjen Zaal
Tjeerd Hellinga
Eraldo Brandimarte
Jérémy Cassin
Yann Trégoat
Rubing Xu
Wai Ming Lam
Ivo Brandes
Timothée Pignoux
Maria Boletou
Arjan Pot
Louis van Wamel
Grzegorz Balinski ◀
If the life of top athletes and teams is punctuated
by international competitions, the Olympic and
Paralympic Games occupy a special place. They
are a dream, a path and an accomplishment at the
same time, the result of teamwork, perseverance
and humility. The journey of athletes is similar to
that of architects. It takes seven years on average
for a project to see the light of day, from tender
applications to the delivery of the building or
equipment... In other words, this achievement is a
human adventure. In this regard, the collaboration
between VenhoevenCS and Ateliers 2/3/4/ serves as
an example. From the start, this was obvious.
Firstly, due to the complementarity of the two
agencies and two cultures, identified, in particular, by
Anne-Laure Grandsir and Cécilia Gross.
On one hand, Ateliers 2/3/4/, a French architecture,
urban development, landscaping, infrastructure and
interior architecture and design agency, performs
collaborative work around contemporary cities. Its
analysis and research on social, urban, functional and
cultural issues generate bespoke projects, where
the architecture mission consists of providing that
'something extra': emotion, space, aesthetics and
On the other hand, VenhoevenCS, a Dutch
architecture, infrastructure and urban development
agency, designs and creates the cities and urban
areas of tomorrow. Environmentally responsible, it
applies its research and innovation to the project in
order to create attractive, lively spaces in harmony
with their ecosystem.
Secondly, due to the meeting of the two architects,
Cécilia Gross and Laure Mériaud, partners in
their respective agencies. At the basis of their
arrangement and collaboration was the same
approach to the architect profession, marked by
humility and ambition, with the desire to work at
all project levels in order to conceive architecture
for the common good and offer the same spatial
qualities to all audiences. And, in particular, the same
attention to urgent issues of sustainable architecture.
Their first challenge was to build a team in their
image, with complementary skills and sensibilities
that was coherent and solid, where each person
would be able to come out of their comfort zone,
exchange, dare, renew their motivation and retain
their ambitions and enthusiasm for the project.
This culture of collaboration and optimism displayed
by the team of architects also found its echo with
all stakeholders in the project, including Bouygues
Bâtiment Ile-de-France and Recréa, united around a
strong vision that is capable of gaining support and
leading a team to victory, whatever the challenges.
A winning setup that calls for another relationship to
architecture and the city.