VCS Publications

Handreiking Stedelijke Knooppunten MooiNL

Dutch - 2023

Major public transport hubs such as Utrecht Centraal and Rotterdam Centraal are becoming attractive meeting places for more and more people and businesses, where it is also pleasant to live or work. More and more inspiring examples of this development, which fits in well with the ambitions of the National Environmental Vision (NOVI), can also be found elsewhere in the Netherlands. This guide offers insightful information for everyone involved in the development of nodes.

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West-City: levendig centrum in de Schiedelta

Dutch - 2022

In Ontwerpen vanuit de doorsnede
p. 205 – 215
ISBN : 9789491789335

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De multimodale hub en Rijkswaterstaat

Dutch - 2020

Mobility network research on improving quality of life in the city by introducing mobility hubs (remote parking), and exploring possibilities to reduce traffic on the main road networks. Commissioned by Rijkswaterstaat (the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management).

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The Breathing City: Proximity as a Principle

Dutch/English/Chinese - 2019

A plea for resilient, climate adaptive cities that can absorb shocks and unexpected impulses. Research into cities that move, evolve and breathe, conducted by VenhoevenCS, BVR, Sweco, WYNE and Tijs van den Boomen.

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Energietransitie en leefomgeving (Petaplan)

Dutch - 2018

Research about the energy transition in relation to the quality of the living environment, conducted by VenhoevenCS and commissioned by the Board of Government Advisors.

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De Bereikbare, Slimme en Gezonde Stad

Dutch - 2017

Research on a better connection between urban development and mobility and a better relationship between sustainable (green) accessibility, urban design and health. Conducted by VenhoevenCS in cooperation with Sweco, The Cloud Collective and René Kuiken. Commissioned by the Creative Industry Fund NL.

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Transit-Oriented Development and Smart Mirco City: Research by Design on Tongzhou New Beijing East Station Area & Qinghe River Surrounding Area

Chinese/English - 2016

Report of 3rd series of workshops in Beijing with many Dutch and Chinese participants, curated by Ton Venhoeven, commissioned by the Creative Industry Fund NL.

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BNA Snelweg x Stad

Dutch - 2016

In this study, five locations along the ring roads of Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht were explored on the basis of design research. The starting point was to develop a vision of the future in which car ownership is an outdated symbol of status.

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Transit-Oriented Development in China and The Netherlands: Research by Design on Qinghe Station Beijing

Chinese/English - 2014

Report of 2nd series of workshops in Beijing with many Dutch and Chinese participants, curated by Ton Venhoeven, commissioned by the Creative Industry Fund NL.

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Challenge Landschap 2070

Dutch - 2016

Research exploring developments that will determine the future of the Dutch landscape in 2070. Conducted by BoschSlabbers Landscape Architects and VenhoevenCS, commissioned by The Council for the Environment and Infrastructure.

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Smart Cities NL: Verkenning naar kansen en opgaven

Dutch - 2014

Research commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, conducted by VenhoevenCS in cooperation with Platform 31, TNO, and the municipalities of Amsterdam, Delft and Assen.

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The Dutch Approach in Japan: Exchanging Ideas for Contemporary Challenges in Planning

English - 2013

Report of a series of workshops and seminars in Japan in the wake of the 2011 tsunami. Commissioned and supported by the Tohoku University, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tokyo, and the city of Kamaishi.

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Delhi 2050: Towards Integrated Long Term Planning for a Sustainable Metropolitan Region

English - 2013

Report of a series of workshops and seminars in India and The Netherlands organized by VenhoevenCS and Arch I Platform, commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and Dutch Design Fashion and Architecture.

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De Mobiele Stad: over de wisselwerking van stad, spoor en snelweg

Dutch - 2012

This book by Tijs van den Boomen and Ton Venhoeven aims to redefine the concept of accessibility on the basis of theories about networks and nodes, and the relation between spatial planning and infrastructure.

ISBN: 9789462080058

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Station centraal: Over het samenbinden van station en stad

Dutch - 2012

This book by Koen van Velsen and Ton Venhoeven about the renewed meaning of the train station and its surrounding area explores the secrets of a successful connection between station and city with inspiring examples from all over the world.

ISBN: 9789064507434

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The Wonderful World of VenhoevenCS

English - 2009

Monography of VenhoevenCS

ISBN: 9789059730731

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