Core Hospital wins competition ‘Future Hospitals: competitive and healing’
1 January 2004

VenhoevenCS has won in cooperation with the Swiss architectural firm Itten + Brechbuehl AG and BM Advies with the design Core Hospital, the international ideas competition ‘Future Hospitals: competetive and healing’ of the College bouw ziekenhuisvoorzieningen.
The jury mentions:
‘In the eyes of the jury, the Core-hospital meets the criteria of the competition the most. The hospital concept is innovative, the architectural design depicts an attractive healing environment and the building has been integrated in an exemplary manner from an urban planning point of view. According to the largest possible majority of the jurors, Core-hospital has earned the prize’.
Enclosed publication (in Dutch): M. Leistra, ‘Uitgekleed ziekenhuis valt in de prijzen’, ZorgCentra en bouwen aan de toekomst, vol. 1, 2005, p. 6-9
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