Den Helder Fire Station nominated for ‘Arie Keppler Award 2009’
1 May 2009

The ‘Arie Keppler Award’ is granted once every two years to the initiators of exemplary performance in the field of architecture, urban planning, monument conservation, or spatial planning. It may be a realized building or a policy achievement. The Arie Keppler Award is a North Holland award for urban planning and architecture. The Den Helder Fire Station has been honorably mentioned:
‘The jury was surprised by the elegant and consistent design principles underlying the design for the fire station. The building truly presents itself as a transparent and attractive fire station. The beautiful perspectives from outside to inside form a generous and almost theatrical exhibition of the fire brigade company. The jury admired the accurate use of materials and the ever-fitting detailing of the joints between the various building volumes. The interior is easy to oversee from the outside and from the central hall, and the visibility of the location of the peripheral fire fighting equipment gives this building an attractive self-evident character.’
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