‘The Dutch Way’ by Ton Venhoeven, Zukunftskongress, Munich
16 May 2012

Ton Venhoeven will give the lecture (in German) The Dutch Way: Integrating Sustainable Mobility and Spatial Planning through an Integrated Design Approach on May 16, 2012 at the conference Infrastruktur in der Landschaft.
The two-day conference is organised by the bdla (Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten) and the Bundesingenieurskammer and held at the Literaturhaus in Munich (Germany).
Registration for the conference via the website of the bdla: www.bdla.de
Download PDF‘Smart Healthy Cities’ by Ton Venhoeven, TNO Strategic Meeting
Ton Venhoeven joins the 'Tafel van Vijf' in Pakhuis de Zwijger