VenhoevenCS designs sports complex Europapark
6 February 2016

The municipality of Groningen and Noorderpoort (center for secondary, vocational and adult education and training in Groningen) selected VenhoevenCS to design the new sports complex Europapark in Groningen; an important development in the sports priority of the cities policy
The complex will house a sports hall, which can be divided into three parts for separate use, a dojo, a multifunctional hall, a dance space, a gymnastics gym, fitness, food and beverage facilities and classrooms. The surrounding terraced landscape, which is designed in dialogue with landscape architect Martijn Al, also offers a variety of sport facilities. The contracting authority values the seamless transition of these outdoor in indoor and vice versa in the transparent design of VenhoevenCS, which contribute to the visibility and accessibility of sports.
The construction of the energy-neutral complex will start spring 2017. Completion is scheduled in mid-2018.