Mosa Discussions #4

28 May 2013


Mosa Discussions#4

On Thursday May 30, 2013, Ton Venhoeven and Daan Roosegaarde are featured on the next Mosa Discussions.

Led by Tracy Metz (NRC Handelsblad) artist Daan Roosegaarde (StudioRoosegaarde) and Ton Venhoeven (Venhoeven CS architecture+urbanism) will talk about their personal inspiration and drive, illustrated by films and images. During the talk there is room for interaction between the audience and the speakers. The overall theme of the evening is ‘Sensations’.

The event takes place at the Mosa Architectural Ceramics Center (MACC) in Amsterdam from 4:30-7:00 PM.Registration can be done via the Mosa website:

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