Dutch approach in Japan

1 July 2013



The booklet ‘Dutch Approach in Japan’contains an introduction to the themes and challenges, an overview of the Japanese and Dutch approaches and experiences, and an account of the exchange of ideas and the findings during the Smart Work Week in Kamaishi. The explanation of the ‘Dutch Approach’ to planning is illustrated with a variety of projects and early examples of Smart City Development in the Netherlands.

The ‘Dutch Approach’ refers to a planning practice in the Netherlands that is aimed at combining considerations of water safety and water management, mobility and land use with all other spatial planning issues in an integrated planning approach. This holistic planning approach includes collaboration between different government bodies at all levels and stakeholder involvement, and it also gives a large role to scientific research, business and public participation. Creating public support for necessary planning measures is one of the biggest advantages of the ‘Dutch Approach’. It originated from the way our ancestors dealt with interrelated aspects of water safety, spatial planning and participation in our complex Delta environment. ‘Building With Nature’ is a key element of the Dutch Approach.

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