MooiNL – Practical guide to urban node development

Netherlands (NL), 2023



The development of transit nodes offers great opportunities for tackling a multitude of urgent issues simultaneously, such as housing, climate adaptation, mobility transition and development of the circular economy. However, the transformation of public transportation hubs into attractive urban centers will not happen by itself. The involvement of various parties, diverse ambitions and the limited space around the hubs make it challenging to find the right balance for all sustainable developments. How can the development of public transportation hubs contribute to the development of sustainable networks of mobility, the economy, energy and nature, soil and water? And how does this tie in with local, regional and national developments and ambitions?

A practical guide for sustainable node development in a broader urban context
To help municipalities and other stakeholders find the right balance between these various challenges, VenhoevenCS and partners BVR and Sweco, commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations (BZK) and the MooiNL program, have developed the Handreiking Stedelijke Knooppunten (Guide to Urban Node Development)

Principeschema mooinl

This guide focuses on the entire area within walking distance of nodes (approximately 4 km²). The document offers practical insights for municipalities that play a coordinating role in the development of sustainable hubs, including:

  • Challenges in the development of nodes;
  • the most important layout and design principles for the development of nodes with a high spatial quality;
  • Inspiring examples of station environments in the Netherlands;
  • An initial impetus to the process needed to achieve these quality standards;
  • Useful tools, such as an interactive assessment framework that can be used in the various steps of the planning process and an ambition framework that can be used to assess variants and alternatives.

Collaboration as key to success
The guideline emphasizes the importance of collaboration. For the development of successful public transport hubs, key stakeholders such as the national government, ProRail, transport companies, provinces, municipalities and many other interested parties must work together optimally. The document offers valuable guidance for all parties involved, from governments to local residents and users.

Not a blueprint, but inspiration
This guideline is not a rigid policy document. Local decision-making remains essential and should be tailored to specific contexts. Instead, the guide provides a clear overview of choices to be made and offers inspiration for spatial considerations.

Added value for policy and practice
As part of the MooiNL program of the Ministry, this guide also provides input for ministries and national programs that develop policies related to mobility nodes. This includes the Action Agenda for Public Transport Hubs (Actie-agenda OV-Knooppunten) and the upcoming National Spatial Strategy (Nota Ruimte). In this way, the guide forms a valuable bridge between vision and implementation.

Join the conversation on the nodes of tomorrow!
With this guide, we want to contribute to the development of future-proof public transport hubs that form the heart of our cities – places where living, working, and social interaction go hand in hand with sustainability and urban quality. We believe that collaboration and knowledge-sharing are essential to realize this ambition. As the authors of this guide, we are therefore happy to share our insights, inspiring examples and practical tools to help shape the hubs of tomorrow together. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information; we would be happy to invite you to join the conversation.

MicroCity networks

Through the MooiNL Program, the guide also provides input for departments and national programs developing policies related to mobility hubs. Examples include the Action Agenda for Mobility Hubs (Actie-agenda OV-Knooppunten) and the upcoming Spatial Planning Policy Document (Nota Ruimte).


Name: MooiNL – Practical guide to urban node development
Location: Nederland
Program: Knooppuntontwikkeling
Surface area: 4 km2 rondom knooppunten
Assignment: Ontwerpend onderzoek
Period: 2023-heden
Status: Completed
Client: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Publications: MooiNL Handreiking Stedelijke Knooppunten - Versie voorjaar 2025


VenhoevenCS: Ton Venhoeven, Hermen Jansen, Marieke de Graauw, Rebecca Smink
Other:BVR, Sweco
Images: VenhoevenCS