Muiderpoort station area

Amsterdam (NL), 2010



The Amsterdam Muiderpoort station area is a jumbled infrastructure node in a multicultural neighbourhood. It is an undervalued area with a lot of potential. The starting points for the development of the Muiderpoort Station area are the improvement of the public spaces, the removal of barriers and economic revitalisation. Making the station an identifiable node and stopping place, improving the public spaces, increasing the building density around the node, introduction of a 24-hour economy and the removal of existing physical and social barriers will create a living, socially safe urban heart in the development of the Metropole of East Amsterdam.

In creating a vision of the area and the Muiderpoort Station node economic, cultural, logistical and spatial qualities must be developed in relation to each other. This task comprises not only the improvement of the local economy, but also the cultural enlivenment and improvement of the spatial structure; these aspects are indissolubly linked. And because the different possible interventions will probably be spread out over time, we have to work simultaneously on the possible scenarios and the desirable spatial and economic development path, including the phasing of the various plans and plan components.


Name: Muiderpoort station area
Location: Amsterdam (NL)
Program: infrastructure, station, commerce, cultural services, public space, parking, residential, hotel
Surface area: 35,000 m2 gfa
Assignment: urban development plan
Period: 2008-2010
Status: -
Client: Municipality of Amsterdam, Stadsdeel Zeeburg


VenhoevenCS: Ton Venhoeven, Katharina Hagg, Bas Römgens, Ornella Lazzari, Sylvain Wintz, Jan Lebbink
Images: VenhoevenCS