The Mobile City

(NL), 2012



We no longer live our lives in a uniform manner: we live here, work there and shop, sport and play at other places. This causes lots of mobility. And congestion. The way cities, the economy and our traffic system are organized, reaches its limits.

In his advice  on multi-modal infrastructure and spatial planning Ton Venhoeven offers recommendations on how we can better attune infrastructure and spatial planning and how to combine our mobility networks as best as possible. The advice also contains a poster that – in a glance – shows the relationship between our multi-modal mobility network and the places that are well connected to that network. The advice was made on behalf of the Board of Government Advisors  and presented to  the Minister of Infrastructure and Environment, Schultz van Haegen on july 4th 2012.

Parallel to the advice, the book “De Mobiele Stad” (The Mobile City) was written. The book will appear in September 2012, at NAi/010 Publishers. The book, written by Ton Venhoeven en Tijs van den Boomen, explores how we travel, where we change transport means and how the Netherlands can respond to increasing mobility. Based on theories about networks and mobile nodes the book redefines the concept of accessibility, for spatial planning and infrastructure cannot be looked at separately. Connecting city, landscape and mobility, the Netherlands has the potential to develop into a cohesive landscape metropolis, where car, public transport and slow traffic are cross-linked in a smart manner.

De Mobiele Stad was made at the request of the Board of Government Advisors (CRA) and written by Ton Venhoeven and journalist Tijs van den Boomen. The editorial boards was done by Rick ten Doeschate (VenhoevenCS and Atelier of the Chief Government advisor), Rutger Oolbekkink (Inbo) and Thomas Straatemeier (Goudappel Coffeng). The maps and diagrams in the book were made by Rick ten Doeschate, One Architects and Opera Graphic Design. Research and advice was given by Prof. Frank van Oort (Utrecht University), Prof. Pieter Tordoir (University of Amsterdam), Dr. Luke Harms (Windesheim), Dr. Peter Peters (Maastricht University) and Prof. Luca Bertolini (University of Amsterdam).

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Name: The Mobile City
Location: The Netherlands
Program: Publication
Surface area: 240 pages
Assignment: book (author, coordination, generating maps and schemes) and advice (writing, coordination) to the Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment
Period: 2012
Status: -
Client: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment and the Atelier of the Chief Government Architect


VenhoevenCS: Ton Venhoeven, Rick ten Doeschate
Images: VenhoevenCS, Opera Graphic Design, One Architects in cooperation with Malkit Shoshan and Gerjan Streng