Bas Römgens – Babel Debate on Designing a healthy neighbourhood

9 April 2014



Wednesday, April 9 Bas Römgens lectures on ‘Healthy City’ during the Babel Debate on ‘Care and Housing’

Bas puts developments in health care in a historical perspective and identifies a parallel with the development of cities. As in cities huge up scaling and far-reaching differentiation occurred in health care. To ensure good care to everyone up scaling was needed. All good intentions led to widespread hospitalization and isolating the sick and the elderly in order to offer them  ‘perfect care’. These big side effects force us to reconsider this strategy. The  trend is towards a more inclusive society, small scale, with more diversity and participation. What facilities and services are in line with these changing ideas and what does that mean for the built environment? With some practical examples of VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism he shows how smart care and new housing concepts can contribute to healthy cities and affordable,  high quality health care.

Babel Debate
We are getting older and older and at the same time we will – according to the new policy of the coalition agreement – have to take care of ourselves as we get older. This has major implications for the living situation in our old age, and the content of the care that we will need sooner or later.  How are we going to organize that?

What does this mean for example for the housing of people who need care in the neighbourhoods? What who is going to organize all this? Housing corporations, healthcare companies, municipalities, private initiatives and parties that we do not know? And what does that mean for the city? This evening Babel invites you to participate in an open think tank about creating a neighbourhood for all generations. Talking and designing, we look at transformations in care and investigate whether we can define a concrete pilot for a new form of housing and care in the Zaan region.

The evening starts with a summary of the inspiration and insights we have gained during the previous Babel activities around the theme of care. Then Bas Römgens gives an inspiring lecture on the healthy city and we see a number of possible cases in the Zaan. Pepik Henneman leads the open think tank with the audience and the experts present.

Click here for a report of the evening

Click here for research on Healthy Neighbourhood

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