New: Fanzine series on Aquatics Centre Paris
27 March 2023

With less than 500 days until the Games, we have launched the #00 issue in a series of Fanzines on the Aquatics Centre and its Pedestrian Crossing in Paris. The first Fanzine highlights our design principles, goals and achievements and is all about the team’s adventure to surpass ourselves, to exceed in the design journey leading up to next year’s sportive climax.
Our journey, as architects, coincides with that of athletes. For both, it takes years from the first competition to that so wanted final. And for both, the achievement is a human adventure, the result of team work, perseverance and humility.
We documented our journey in a series of Fanzines that invite you to dive, over the course of 8 issues, behind the scenes of this unique process in order to discover the analyses and research at the origin of what will be the only large-scale sports facility to be built for this Olympiad, contributing to making these Games the most sustainable in history, to be part of changing historical landscape and to create a healthy, desirable city around nature and sporting activity.
Photography: Jean-Philippe Mesguen
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