Excursion Innovation in Housing and Care
17 March 2015

On 19 and 20 February, VenhoevenCS organized an exursion Innovation in Housing in Care in the Netherlands, in collaboration with Rudiger de Belie of DeBeCo and lecturer and Dort Spierings. The excursion was organised in favour of Flemish care professionals. Six realized projects of innovative concepts for residential care were visited, and the Flemish care professionals got to learn valuable lessons and gain inspiration from experts that they can use in their own future care projects.
We have major challenges in healthcare, just think of the ageing population, the increase in long-term care with chronic illnesses such as dementia, emancipation of the elderly, and the rising costs that go with that, and on the other hand limited financial resources. Optimizing the existing health care system is not enough. Only by reconnecting care in a natural way with the society and everyday life in the villages and cities we can keep good care affordable for everyone. An innovative and integrated approach is needed. Knowledge and inspiration to develop innovative and integrated solutions for projects in Flanders was acquired with the following projects:
Het Gebouw in Leiden. Here are various forms of housing for people with care needs (self-care homes and group homes demented elderly) combined with lifecycle proof homes, library, gymnasium, center for youth and family, a restaurant and 3 schools. Thanks to: Woningstichting Ons Doel, Libertas Leiden
Kaleidoscoop in Nieuwkoop. A complex with a ‘Kulturhus’ and a variety of apartments with various forms of care, such as group homes for the elderly with dementia, apartments for somatic residents who need a lot of care, apartments for people who need care and apartments for temporary care. Thanks to: Wijdezorg
De Herbergier, Zoetermeer. A care formula for people with memory problems who can not live independently. In each ‘Herbergier’ live about sixteen people who are given the space as much as possible to continue their lives as much as they were used to. Thanks to: De Herbergier Zoetermeer
Sprenkelaarshof, Apeldoorn. Homes for a combination of psychogeriatric elderly, seniors and people with mild disabilities in a green environment. Thanks to: Zorggroep Apeldoorn
St. Annahof, Uden. A sheltered housing complex mixed with heavier care, both residential and focus
group homes with people with dementia and mental disabilities. The complex is surrounded by many external facilities. Thanks to: Bewonerscommissie en Woningcorporatie Area
Zorgcoöperatie Hoogeloon (care cooperative). Hoogeloon employs over 2100 people. The cooperative is committed to the retention and development of care services and facilities in the village. This aims to ensure that the elderly and people with disabilities, even when the demand rises, can continue to live in Hoogeloon. Thanks to: Zorgcoöperatie Hoogeloon
Responses from participants in the excursion:
‘The care entrepeneurship of De Herbergier is an eye-opener. It illustrates the importance of involved care entrepeneurs with a clear vision. ‘
‘Het Gebouw in Leiden is an innovative project in the field of housing, with a mix of functions and target groups it’s quite interesting, bold and setting an example, worthy of imitation. ‘
Keynote Ton Venhoeven on Leisure Congress
VenhoevenCS designs Hogekwartier sports complex in Amersfoort