VenhoevenCS ‘goes circular’
10 October 2018

Today, on the National Day of Sustainability, VenhoevenCS signs the manifesto ‘wij gaan circulair’ which states the circular ambition of the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA). The manifesto contains five circular design principles which contribute to a circular economy.
As sustainability is at the heart of the vision, mission and core values of VenhoevenCS: we believe that our planet provides enough space for all living forms to live together in a sustainable way. However, as the world population and global prosperity are increasing rapidly, fundamental adjustments are needed in the way we organize and shape our use of the planet.
As ‘Going circular’ is one of these adjustments, VenhoevenCS strongly supports the manifesto. Already since the 1990s we have experimented with flexible designs, made of demountable facades, recycled and untreated materials and ‘objects trouvés’. Have a look at some of our earliest sustainable projects here.
At the same time, we are aware of the fact that the circular economy is just a small step towards a sustainable future. There is a whole range of threats and measures related to sustainability that also should be taken care of. We tried to fit this broader perspective on sustainability in our vision, which is online as of today: sustainability@venhoevencs.
Ondertekening markeert aanvang ontwikkeling entreegebied Leiden Bio Science Park
VenhoevenCS designs two residential blocks opposite Amstel Station