Europapark winner of second prize Best Building of Groningen 2019 (Professional Jury)

14 June 2019


Europapark wins seccond prize Beste Gebouw van Groningen 2019

Each year, a professional jury and online voters choose the winners for Beste Gebouw van Groningen (Best building of Groningen) during Architecture Day. Sports Center Europapark wins the second prize for the Best Building of Groningen 2019!

This year, the jury was assembled by the Rotterdam architecture centre AIR and consisted of Vincent van der Meulen (Kraaijvanger Architects), Ferry in ‘t Veld (Architectuur MAKEN) and Mike Emerik (Crimson Architectural Historians).

Jury comment: ‘The building is beautiful on the inside and has a good spatial layout. With its function, the Sports Centre is truly an investment in the public infrastructure’.

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