IJboulevard and bike parking: Completed, opened, and in full swing
12 April 2023

After years of construction, Amsterdam Central Station’s IJboulevard is completed: time to celebrate!
On yesterday’s sunny afternoon, city district manager Micha Mos joined us to celebrate this special occasion. During the closing event, lead architect Danny Esselman concluded “we’re incredibly proud of this integral design and all the knowledge and experience of our team”.
Special thanks to everyone involved: DS Landschapsarchitecten, Van Hattum en Blankevoort, City of Amsterdam, VolkerWessels, Volker Staal en Funderingen, HOMIJ Technische Installaties, Gebr. van Kessel Bedrijven, Royal HaskoningDHV, ProRail, Vervoerregio Amsterdam, NS.
Photography: Edwin van Eis (City of Amsterdam)
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