Keynote Ton Venhoeven on Leisure Congress
29 May 2015

On June 18th, the big Leisure Congress will be organised by Architectenweb. The focus of the congress is on the design of hotels, sports centers and cultural buildings. Key notes will be held by speakers Uri Gilad (Office Winhov), Ton Venhoeven (VenhoevenCS) and Patrick Koschuch (Van Dongen-Koschuch).
The Dutch have, in comparison with other countries, relatively short working weeks. We use our spare time to the fullest. The way we spend our free time has been subject to major changes. That provides all kinds of challenges for the design of our leisure facilities – hotels, sports centers and cultural buildings.
As a result of government cutbacks in recent years, the image arose that investment in cultural buildings and sports complexes is put on the backburner. But nothing is less true. Many municipalities want to keep their services at the highest possible level to hold on to their most talented and creative companies.
It’s the job of architects to turn limited budgets into smart designs for facilities that serve the urban communities. New designs for sports and cultural buildings show in which direction the solutions must be sought.
Program Leisure Congress
The morning session of the Leisure Congress focuses on the developments of hotels. The afternoon program is about the future of cultural buildings and sports complexes.
Sports play an increasingly important social function in the city. The designs of VenhoevenCS are strongly committed to the encounter between the different users (groups). The buildings are also strongly linked to the urban environment. In his keynote architect Ton Venhoeven explores these themes based on several recent projects.
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