Alkmaar Noord officially opened – small train station addresses major themes
21 July 2021

In a vast series of train stations being improved for inclusive and futureproof use, now the completion of Station Alkmaar Noord has been celebrated. VenhoevenCS designed to upgrade the accessibility of this train station; the result Is a thoughtful and compact design with an attractive layer of comfort, safety, and sustainability added.
On site, architect Danny Esselman pointed out the improvements in design to the public: new elevators and ramps now allow for easy access for passengers with an impairment, elderly people and parents with a stroller. Furthermore, all passengers will feel more secure here because we optimized transparency in the new layout, also beneficial to the atmosphere of the pedestrian tunnel. The new wooden canopies add an intimate feel to the platforms. They accompany travelers to the next stage of their journey and serve as an inviting gesture for those who still have to catch a train. From the square, green slopes now make gradual transitions to the platform.
The design resembles that of Alkmaar Central Station we completed in 2015. Alkmaar Noord surely is a smaller public transport hub but will nevertheless serve as catalyst for the redevelopment of the surrounding Alkmaar Noord area, starting with the transformation of PostNL and the new European School next to it.
To mark the completion, Harro Homan (director of Prorail, our client) interviewed all stakeholders in public to address the themes of accessibility, design, construction and teaming up. With the opening ceremony, Ans Rietstra (board Prorail) and Anja Schouten (Mayor of Alkmaar) declared the station officially open.
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