Team VenhoevenCS selected for MooiNL – Urban mobility design research
20 April 2023

Reference image: Marconiplein Rotterdam - Team VenhoevenCS-BVR-Sweco produced this design vision in 2021 as part of StadXRuimte.
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations has selected VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism to lead on design research for the future of urban mobility nodes in the Netherlands. The contract was awarded as part of the Ministry’s MooiNL (or ‘Beautiful Netherlands’) initiative, which aims to provide a high-quality urban living environment across the country. We will offer our expertise as part of MooiNL’s ‘Liveable Cities and Regions’ programme, developing an innovative and sustainable approach to and tools for integrated densification around train, metro, and bus stations.
Smooth transit, livable city
Focusing on gradual transformation of urban areas around existing infrastructure, we will look to develop present mobility nodes into seamlessly functioning areas of urban connection. Our design research will incorporate local urban and economic profiles: these will include traffic structures, geographic characteristics, local businesses, and circular networks for energy, food, waste, and mobility. The team will engage specialists as part of this research process, primarily BVR Spatial Consultants, Sweco, and Albert Hutschemaekers.
“Our starting point for MooiNL is to harness the potential of each mobility node as a driving force for urban ecosystems. For us, such nodes are a crucial link between urban networks and vital living environments that are accessible, viable and thriving.” – Ton Venhoeven
MooiNL is an initiative by the Ministry’s Director of Spatial Development that considers the experiential, practical and future value of space when it comes to planning in the Netherlands. With the aim of keeping the country attractive, functional, and robust, the initiative will develop perspectives and guidelines for spatial planning that can inspire future projects and are actionable at national and local level.
The launch event for the ‘Liveable Cities and Regions’ programme took place on 20 April, and focused on the themes of Urban Nodes, Green and Healthy Living in the City, and Post-War Residential Areas. The research will be completed by the end of 2023.
Boosting urban ecosystems
The MooiNL research project aligns with our VenhoevenCS’ expertise designing multi-modal transport hubs, mixed-use community buildings and major urban developments around existing infrastructure. Our research for MooiNL will also be informed by the studio’s pioneering ideas around the MicroCity: an model that gradually transforms urban neighborhoods into attractive, self-sufficient, and climate-resistant ecosystems that emphasize the proximity of all functions for residents and users, including traffic, transport, and local cycles of food, water, energy, knowledge and materials – thus integrating the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement into our research.
VenhoevenCS has published widely on the interaction between city, railway, and highway, as well as on multimodal hubs. In 2022, we published design research on the Marconiplein interchange in Rotterdam in collaboration with BVR and Sweco, as part of the StadXRuimte study.Recently, we completed the NOVEX study commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, as well as the Development Vision for Alkmaar Central and North Stations and the Master Plan for the Alkmaar Centraal and NorthStations and the Masterplan for the Arenapark with Station Hilversum Sportpark. Moreover, we architecturally translated the aim of spatial and programmatic densification in station areas for, among others, Het Platform Utrecht Central Station, AMST Amstel Station, parts of Düsseldorf Station and IJboulevard Amsterdam Central Station.
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